When To Take Newborn Photos?


In order to capture your newborn in adorable curly and sleepy poses, you should take newborn photos five to twelve days after giving birth. 

Avoid taking photos earlier than five days after your baby’s birth, since your baby will still be adjusting to feeding times. Your newborn session will go smoother if your baby is less nervous and on a consistent feeding schedule. The sleepier your newborn is, the easier it will be to adjust their poses and photograph them without clothes on, to capture some of those classic newborn photo ideas you’ve been looking at for inspiration.

Yes, you can take newborn photos after two weeks but you’ll have to opt for different poses and concepts. Your newborn will likely be awake during the session so you should go for photos that include the baby with clothes on and awake. Taking newborn photos after two weeks isn’t unheard of and your photos will still turn out well. However, your little one won’t curl up so easily after two weeks so we encourage you to take a different approach with your photos. Babies begin to stretch and extend their arms and legs after two weeks, making it harder for them to naturally curl up during photos. Don’t be discouraged though by timing as you should still schedule a newborn session even if two weeks have passed by.

For these photos, you can even hold your baby in your arms for a warm and intimate newborn photograph.

Since newborn photo sessions typically last for 2-3 hours, we have a few tips to help you get ready for the day. These tips will keep both you and baby happy throughout the session:

·       Make sure your newborn is well fed before the photoshoot so they’re less fidgety. Always bring formula to the shoot or step away to breastfeed during the session.

·       Avoid putting loose clothes on your newborn. The newborn usually doesn’t wear clothes during their session but if you’d like to dress your baby up, be sure to find clothes that fit well.

·       Try a baby bonnet or knit beanie for your baby’s photos! Newborn photos should be full of warmth and joy. A handmade hat for your baby will add some charm to these photos and do the trick.

·       Let the photographer connect with the baby. In order for your baby to feel comfortable, you should avoid crowding your little one. It’ll be tempting to run over whenever your baby becomes restless or cries, but you should do your best to let the photographer comfort the baby so the baby doesn’t feel startled by too many changes. Always remain in the room though during your baby’s shoot.

·       If you plan on being in any of the photos, be sure to bring a change of clothes just in case things get a bit messy.

Taking the time to stop and document your journey with your little one is a priceless moment. These newborn photos will remain timeless in your family history and will be cherished by loved ones throughout the years to come. One day, your baby will be old enough to see themselves as a newborn and their reaction will be just as special as yours.